Shareowner Activism Wiki

Yahoo! was established as Jerry's guide to the World Wide Web in Janaury 1?, 1994.

Yahoo! "Plan B"[]

Welcome to the Yahoo! "Plan B" wiki.

On January 7th, 2007, when I first proposed in a YouTube vlog that shareholders of Yahoo! band together to propose an articulate and well-thought out alternative plan so that the company could more quickly and effectively unlock value, I presented a "strawman" 'Plan B,' which I said could be treated as a wiki. In other words, it was my hope that like-minded shareholders could participate in a community to further enhance and edit the plan, as well as pledge their shares in support of taking this plan eventually to Yahoo!'s management and board and asking them to act on it. Welcome to the wiki.

Some critics have told me, "if you don't like what's going on at Yahoo!, why don't you just sell your shares and stop wasting your time." I simply say to them that there is more to be gained from working together with the "Plan B" community and all other Yahoo! shareholders to unlock value in this company than selling our shares and buying stock in a competitor.

I believe we, as a community, should aim for a goal of owning 10% of Yahoo! stock. This will easily make us the largest group of shareholders in the company. With that position, we will have a strong voice to push for change.

We aim to include as many individual investors as we can who own 10, 50, 100, or more shares. However, we also aim to win over the large institutional investors in Yahoo! to our group. We want increased shareholder value for all Yahoo! shareholders.

If you are a Yahoo! shareholder, please sign up today and pledge your support for "Plan B." If you are not, we'd love to have you buy some shares and join the cause. Start making your travel arrangements to be near Sunnyvale in May for the Yahoo! annual meeting of shareholders.


Eric Jackson, Breakout Performance Blog, Managing Member of Ironfire Capital LLC

Video Updates on 'Plan B' Progress[]


Logo Timeline[]

Janaury 1?-March 1?, 1994 at 0:00[]

Jerry's guide to the World Wide Web

March 1, 1994-1, 1995, August 1?, 1995-Present[]


Purple (March 1?, 1994-1, 1995 at 0:00, March 1?, 1996-November 7?, 2006 at 0:00 and March 1, 2009-Present (Yahoo! Kids), March 1?, 2009-Present)

Yahoo logo-512x384


Red (August 1?, 1995-March 1?, 2009 at 0:00)


Red Y? (August 1?, 1995-March 1?, 2009 at 0:00)

March 1?, 1994-Present (Seperate as a Y! (as a Favicon) Logo)[]


August 7, 2013-Present[]
